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unicocreations rainbow crochet close up

My favorite part about creating wearable fiber and textile art is merging traditional techniques with inspirational color palettes to make a unique statement.
Reutilizing vintage fabrics or found trinkets form part of the design process. How may I bring a new tune to the past? That is what I try to inject into every piece I make.
Always eager to learn new techniques and find creative ways to incorporate them into my designs.

crochet pearl necklacecrochet rainbow necklaceroyal blue crochet necklacepearl and black crochet necklacecoral and turquoise crochet necklace and braceletgrey and beige pearl beaded crochet necklaceyellow crochet bracelet and ringcopper pearl beaded crochet necklaceblue crochet earringquilt stitched necklaceround crochet necklacefall colors crochet necklacecrochet quilt stitched necklaceyellow black plaid quilt stitch and crochet necklacesolid green crochet necklaceblack and floral print crochet necklacecoconut beaded crochet necklaceyellow curl crochet earringblack and blue-toned crochet necklacecoral and burgundy crochet broochnavy, green and off-white crochet necklaceamethyst crochet necklacegreen and yellow floral crochet necklacered and beige crochet necklacepearl curly crochet broochblack and cheetah print crochet necklacebeige and white pearl crochet brooch

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